
What Camera Does Tom Hall Use?

About Tom Hall Photography

Tom Hall

Thank you very much for visiting my website. I beloved what I do! I feel so lucky to exist able to have such a keen chore! I really enjoy the fact that I tin create something that people tin can love for life.

My first introduction to photography was when I was 17. Mum bought me a photographic camera and my interest took off. I became and then intrigued by the fact that a photographic camera could capture a moment, and that that carve up second in fourth dimension could exist remembered forever. It blew my mind! At the time though I had no idea only how much my fascination would grow. I got into portraiture and that led to beauty photography which in turn led me to running a photography studio.

The first time I ever took a camera to a wedding I discovered that nothing else would ever exist as rewarding to me. I of a sudden realised that a wedding was a blend of documentary, fashion, family, product, food, beauty, mural photography, and portraiture all rolled into ane. I was in sky.  I call up if you met any couple who I've photographed they'd tell you, "That guy loves his job!". Sure, I dear the arts, and certain I beloved the magic of photography, only what I dearest most is that this thing I'thou doing will concluding, and that these two people will treasure it for life. That's special!

I've seen so many wonderful moments, learnt a lot about honey, and grown to understand more about myself as well. I've also snagged some accolades and gained my Master of Photography. I feel like I'm exactly where I should be and hope this privilege lasts until I can't pick upwards a camera anymore.

I know there are lots of photographers out there. I don't actually know much about them, but I know what I'thousand nearly. I dear weddings! I LOVE beloved! Why should yous choose me? I'd like to think there are lots of reasons, but at the end of the solar day I think the most of import is if you lot can imagine yourself in my photography and if yous'd similar to hang out with someone who thinks weddings are awesome. If the answer is "Yes!" I hope you'll have the time to contact me and hopefully I'll be available to photo your very special twenty-four hour period.

 I absolutely love what I practice and this is why information technology'due south e'er a privilege for me to exist invited to capture such a pivotal twenty-four hour period in anyone'due south life.

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Tom Hall APP 1000.Photog AWPPI.

Service Areas:



Gilt Coast



FAQ:  Q. Do you do videography?  A. No, I'grand not a videographer. I specialise in photography.  Videography is a completely different craft requiring a completely different mindset.  I would ever recommend booking a photographer and videographer separately to  ensure each element has the full attention of it's artist apposed to someone doing a bit of both.   Q. How far in advance should I volume?   A. Every bit soon as you tin can. I operate on a offset-in commencement-served basis.  One time someone books me that date is no longer available to anyone else.  To ensure no one else beats you to the date, it's recommended you book every bit soon as yous tin.    Q. Do I need to book my venue first?  A. Yes. This is very of import. The venue must exist booked beginning  before the processing of a booking with me tin commence.    Q. Will we chat before the wedding?  A. Admittedly! Nosotros must make time to speak prior to the wedding 24-hour interval. It's and then important to become to know each other  so that on the wedding day you are so much more comfortable with being photographed.   Q. Do you supply the RAWS?
A. Just like a chef doesn't put the raw ingredients on the table for the diners to cook themselves, I don't supply the RAWS. Postal service Processing is equally much a part of the fine art every bit capturing the images. It'due south an intrinsic office of my style which is what I'm booked for.
Q. What if y'all haven't photographed my venue before?  A. Awesome! I love new spaces and I love new angles. I love exploring and discovering new things.  This is some other thing that excites me nigh photography.  I've won many awards from images captured in locations I've never been to before.   Q. Are you insured for public liability?  A. Yes $10,000,000   Q. Are you accredited?  A. Aye. I am a fully accredited photographer with Chief Honours.


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